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Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) student


We provide different types of support measures to Non-Chinese speaking parents and children to ensure that all eligible children (including Non-Chinese speaking children) have the same opportunity to enter the school.

Students Learning
Group learning activities (Daily)
  • 4-6 students per group

  • Builds confidence

  • Flexible learning environment

  • Instant feedback

  • Develop better communication skills

  • Receive support that can encourage student to risk speaking up

Individual / Enrichment learning activities (When  Needed)
School-base Audio Pen

An Audio Pen is free to borrow for learning Chinese at home

Cultural integration Activities

While celebrating festive activities, we will include some ways that different ethnic groups celebrate festivals, so that participants can learn about different cultures while  participating.

For Parents
Communication methods in school
WhatsApp Image 2021-11-27 at 14.57_edited.jpg

Bilingual Notices and Student Handbook

​Bilingual notices and handbooks are provided for parents to learn about school information.


School Apps

The school has a mobile communication platform. In addition to issuing electronic announcements, parents can also communicate with teachers in real time through the platform.


South Asian school assistant

South Asian school assistant can speak Urdu, Punjabi, Pushto, Arabic, Indian, English and Cantonese.

Cultural integration and Parent Education Activities
​Parent-child exploration of the community, outdoor visits
Non-Chinese speaking (NCS) Mother Group
  • Learning simple Chinese Words and common daily languages

  • Understanding how to help their child to learn at home

​Parent Interest Class
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